Interview with Emmanuel Morrison
Emmanuel Morrison is interviewed by McKenzie Brewer. Morrison talks about his experience writing and the influences of his piece Vacation found in the Spring 2022 Edition of The Bayou Review.
What appealed to you about our theme, ‘Roots’?
I don’t often write about myself, usually I have a lack of interest there, but the theme of ‘Roots’ sort of pricked into me when I saw it. I knew I had a story to tell, but I guess I was just a little hesitant to do so. Luckily, I had a professor, Dr. Smith, to nudge me in the right direction with an assignment in her creative writing class.
Do you write in other genres besides non-fiction? If not, why is non-fiction your preferred genre?
At this point in my life, I write a little bit of everything. Emphasis on the “little bit.” I’ve written fictional short stories, poems, screenplays, songs, and several other things. But, I seldom get my writing to a point of doneness that I deem adequate.
Are there any writers or other artists that have influenced you?
Far too many to name. I’m mostly inspired by music, though. “Vacation,” in particular, was heavily influenced by a music album of the same title, by the now defunct Ska Punk band, Bomb the Music Industry. My piece, however, is obviously about my own life, it shares its sardonic tone and fed-up-with-life, but still somewhat hopeful attitude with the album.
Describe your experience as an English major. What has been your biggest takeaway while studying at UHD?
I’ve had a great time as an English major here at UHD. I’ve had nothing but great professors who push me to be better, to be confident, and to just… Get writing. Don’t put it off, don’t be hesitant, don’t worry about being judged. Just get the words on the page.
What is your goal for writing and/or deciding to major in English?
I guess my main goal is self-improvement. I’m not the type of person who puts all their stock in the future. I’d like to enjoy my classes in the meantime, make some decent memories, learn as much as I can, and eventually move on to grad school. I’d like to pursue a degree in Library Science, to set me on the path of becoming a University Librarian. From there, I’d like to work on my Ph.D. and eventually become a professor.
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